Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow bored

Did I mention the puns? Cause we've got puns.

Fun Fact: 93% of the potential names for the company were puns.

So the snow came late, but it came. So I figure it's appropriate to throw up some pictures from a summer wedding. It should be noted, 918 Photo was not the official photographer of this wedding. It was attended by the 918 family, pictures were taken, but these aren't exactly full access shots. Still, pretty lovely, no?

I'm actually gonna split this post up, four more wedding photos to follow in the next day or so.

We're currently in the process of backing up ALL of our photos online. Unfortunately, that is taking place on a computer that is a hundred miles away right now, on what can only be called a "borderline broadband" connection at the moment. The connection will become actual broadband this weekend (from 5MB to 20MB), and fingers crossed we move all our stuff online. Once that happens, updates will likely come more frequently.

On a side note, does 5MB even qualify as broadband these days? I called it the dial up of broadband today, and I'm pretty sure that's an accurate description. Even DSL is faster than that.

Ok, enjoy today's pictures.  Check out the new additions to the site if you haven't yet.  And let us know you'd like to have your pictures taken by 918 Photo!

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